1.0 Ash Flirts A Lot

Welcome back to the Hawthorn DITFTR! Last time we met the founder Ash who is a philanderer who flirted with a bunch of women, he got married to Jennifer Sato, knocked her up, and continued to flirt with different women.

Jennifer is enjoying a lonely dinner of a hotdog, completely oblivious to Ash’s actions.

Though Ash comes home for dinner and I don’t think Jennifer is too impressed with him.
Jennifer: “I thought when we got married we would spend a lot more time together.”

The next morning, Jennifer is reading a pregnancy book and getting ready for the new baby, while Ash…

Is texting other women.
Ash: “A man has needs!”
You, are an asshole.

Jennifer finishes her book and decides that Ash has to read it.

Jennifer promises to go out all day if Ash reads the book. Desperate to spend some time with one of his other women, he agrees.

Ash finishes to book, Jennifer leaves, and Ash invites Francesca Vanderburg over.

Francesca has no idea that Ash is already married and falls for all of his lines.

Ash bought a tent just for her.

He bangs her and then immediately starts to text another woman… Real classy Ash.

Throughout all of this Jennifer is eating snow cone after snow cone at the festival.
Jennifer: “I love cherry flavoured stuff.”

Jennifer: So how was your day?”
Ash: Oh, it was fine honey. I enjoyed some time to myself, I work so hard you know.”
Ash… You only have a part-time job, WHICH YOU HAVEN’T EVEN GONE TO YET!

The following day, Jennifer goes to the spa and Ash takes advantage to invite Blake over!

Ash: “Finally! Someone else who understands how awesome flirting is!”

A first kiss.

Turns into a trip to city hall.

Where Ash and Black find the judges chamber for some amorous activities.

These two are enjoying their date.

But Ash has to leave suddenly cause it’s baby time!

Ash rushes to the hospital, this is his child afterall!

The two of them leave with a boy! Meet Crocus, he Loves the Cold and Loves the Outdoors.

Ash follows the birth of his son by going to Blake’s party.

Well, at least Ash can’t knock up Blake anytime soon.

It looks look like Ash is done with Jennifer.
Ash: “One woman gets boring after awhile.”

Jennifer is happily caring for their son.

When Ash drops the bomb.
Jennifer: “What did I do wrong?!”
Ash: “You’re boring, I’m done with you, goodbye.”

Ash leaves and Jennifer starts to protest about death.

Death: “Don’t you dare talk crap about me like that!”

Jennifer: “Wait, your can’t leave my son with just his father!”
Death: “You should have thought of that earlier.”

It looks like Blake has left her boyfriend, not that she’ll have much better luck with Ash.

Ash is quickly realizing that taking care of an infant all by himself is hard work.

Ash: “I know just what to do!”

Ash: “Marry me Francesca!”
Francesca: “Oh Ash, I thought you’d never asked.”

They have a quick wedding.

And here are Francesca’s traits.

Francesca wants to be an author, so she starts writing some books.

Ash on the other hand has taken a trip to the gym for more flirting now that he’s dumped his son on his new wife.

Ash seems quite fond of Jenny Lho.

He gets home and immeadatly starts to text her.

Francesca: “This kid isn’t even mine, why am I doing all of the work?”

I suddenly remembered that I haven’t coloured the house light purple yet, I left the walls and floors as is for my own sanity.

Anyways, here’s toddler Crocus.

Crocus: “WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!”
Francesca: “I am so done with this.”

Fran starts teaching Crocus to walk.

While Ash is at the gym flirting.

Ash soon scores a first kiss with Madeline, his latest woman.

Fran: “This isn’t even my kid.”

Ash and Madeline go on a date to the pool.

Where they make use of the hot tub.

Afterwards, Ash introduces himself to Sidney Shawkti.
Ash: “She’ll be legal in a few days.”
You are an asshole and a perve.

Fran: “I am so making that man look after his own child.”

Fran then forces Ash to actually spend some time with Crocus. I don’t think either of them are impressed.

Generational Goals:

Kiss 6 sims 4/6
Be boyfriend/girlfriend to 2 sims. 2/2
Get married and have kids (optional with romantic/married spouses)
Kill/Divorce spouse (as many times as you wish)
Keep ghosts on dead spouses on lot
Expansion Needed: Generations
Go on at least ten dates 5/10
Try not to get bad reputation

Kids: 1/3

That’s all for now, see you next time!

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